I have signed up for the 5K walk several times, but I this was my first RFTC competitive run. The atmosphere was magic. There were so many women (50,000) and so much pink! The whole race just made me happy.
The course was pretty easy with only 2 bridges and a few gentle upward slopes. I ran hard and I didn’t stop. I wanted to beat my time from 2 weeks ago and I succeeded. I crossed the line in 25:04, thirty seconds faster than my last attempt.
One thing that was new for me was the crowd lining the streets cheering us on. That made me feel good. Also, there were firefighters. Like, smoking hot firefighters at several of the intersections. The scantly clad firemen were handing out pink beads. At first, I was confused. Was I supposed to do something for these beads? Thankfully they were just handing them out, so I got three strands. They almost slowed me down, but I kept going.
The first 300 received a medal and I came in 71st with a time of 25:04:23. I am slowly getting faster and that makes me happy.
After our race, the 5k walk kicked off. Since I had a reunion at 11, I didn’t have time to do it again, but next time I will plan for that. I also found my dream Jeep. Awesome sauce.
What do you think?