Labor Day Weekend 2012

We celebrated the ending of summer by spending the weekend on an island on the north side of Lake Ouachita.  We are huge fans of island camping.  It is nice to get away from people and enjoy your own little corner of the lake.

We shared the island with our friends Matt and April.  Between the two of us, we had 5 kids and 3 dogs.


Hunter, John David, Evan, and Emma

Saturday afternoon, a line of severe thunderstorms rolled in.  Our summer tent is a nice  Kelty and Aaron has seam sealed the thing a million times.  With pouring rain and winds in excess of 60 mph, we stayed dry as a bone.


A nice rainbow after the storm.


Evan is a great wood gatherer.


John David just wanted to fish with Daddy the whole time.


Our perfect little tent.

And then my phone died and my charger broke, so no more pictures.  I am actually glad it did.  I was able to unplug from the Twitters and the foozeball and just enjoy time with my family.  Nice break from reality.

The rest of the weekend was spent doing normal lake things.  We fished; we swam; we made s’mores; we played in the fire.

The greatest part about the whole weekend was that we enjoyed the lake for 3 days and not one of us is sunburned.  We used 2 whole bottles of spf 100 Coppertone Sport Spray.  I was a bit of a sunscreen nazi.  Sometimes I wonder why God made us such an outdoorsy family, but 3 of us are sooooo super pale.  Oh well, I guess that is why God also made sunscreen…


  1. Looks like a wonderful end to summer in a beautiful place!

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